Due audio in inglese estratti dal webinar esperienziale del 3 Aprile 2020

di Sriya Rao Pithani e Pooja Sriram

Here is an excerpt from our first Experiential Webinar on embodying health & accessing our inner resources through awareness techniques inspired by Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.
It was beautiful to see/hear/read your ideas, experiences, questions & curiosities and we are grateful for this opportunity to honor the wonders of the body together.
Since the webinar recording was too large a file, we were unable to upload it for the moment. Here is a summary of the seminar for you revisit, or to catch up if you missed it.

We are happy to share here the two awareness practices we explored in the webinar, as resources to embody health.

The first guided by Pooja Sriram is an exercise of being present with expressions of vitality within the body.

The second guided by Sriya Rao is a meditation on trusting our innate forces of nature.